Saturday, August 4, 2012

Time to get out of Dodge

With 2 Days until I leave for Boston, I cannot imagine feeling more apprehension and excitement. I wonder how I will like Boston... Whichever way, the environmental work being done and the prospect of living in a new city, ensure for this to be an invaluable experience. It would seem likely that this would be the optimal time to be packing, as my mother believes. However, I've never been one for early packing. Using the late night reading skills acquired at Vanderbilt, I have instead decided to dive deeply into the summer reading provided by Green Corps. The reading is very interesting; including works such as John Lewis' Walking With the Wind: A Memoir of the Movement and various articles about the history of the environmental movement. For me, the most thought provoking readings were the one's regarding the implementation of various forms of non-violent direct action to accomplish movement goals. If the reading assigned is indicative of the organization, then Green Corps will prove to be an exhilarating experience.  Now, I must return to my reading. Until next time... Go Green or Go Home.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed discussing with you the articles about the history of the environmental movement. I was surprised to learn that you knew so much about the events described in John Lewis' book, and impressed that you had visited many of the sites mentioned in the book. I believe you were surprised to hear about some of my observations and experiences as a child during the 60s.

    I hope this internship will provide many rich learning experiences. I have no doubt that you will make a positive difference in this world.
