Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We Didn't Start The Fire

For the past three days, I've been in Bridgeport, CT for a practice campaign. First, let me give you a little background information. There is an outdated dirty coal powered plant in Bridgeport. Emissions from the plant are releasing harmful toxins into the air, such as soot and smog. The workers in the plant and the residents living in close proximity to the plant suffer from disproportionate rates of cancer, and children in Bridgeport are ten times more likely to die from asthma related illness. The company that owns the plant, based out of New Jersey, refuses to take the necessary measures to clean up the plant because of cost inefficiency. In short, this plant must go, and that's where we come in. Partnering with the Bridgeport based activist group Healthy Connecticut Alliance, we've spent the past three days working to gain the support of the community and local business leaders. There were many highlights, but for me, one was the day when I got 100 petition signatures in an hour and half when the goal of our entire team of six was to get 90 total. To make an impact like this was so humbling because you could sense how thankful the community was for our efforts. We eventually got about 700 community signatures and 100 business endorsements over the course of 2 days. This was an amazing feat, and will provide a great volunteer base for the Healthy Connecticut Alliance organization. The campaign ended with a press conference showing the support of business leaders. Of course, we could not close the plant in the three days we were there, but the work we did within these three days will definitely be a spark for a smoldering movement in Bridgeport. It felt so good to help this community that so desperately needs clean air. If this feeling is any indication of the type of happiness that will occur throughout this year, then I am beyond excited to start running my own campaigns. It was a great trip for a great cause, so please remember... Go Green or Go Home.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Time to get out of Dodge

With 2 Days until I leave for Boston, I cannot imagine feeling more apprehension and excitement. I wonder how I will like Boston... Whichever way, the environmental work being done and the prospect of living in a new city, ensure for this to be an invaluable experience. It would seem likely that this would be the optimal time to be packing, as my mother believes. However, I've never been one for early packing. Using the late night reading skills acquired at Vanderbilt, I have instead decided to dive deeply into the summer reading provided by Green Corps. The reading is very interesting; including works such as John Lewis' Walking With the Wind: A Memoir of the Movement and various articles about the history of the environmental movement. For me, the most thought provoking readings were the one's regarding the implementation of various forms of non-violent direct action to accomplish movement goals. If the reading assigned is indicative of the organization, then Green Corps will prove to be an exhilarating experience.  Now, I must return to my reading. Until next time... Go Green or Go Home.